Wednesday, May 27, 2009


If you are wondering about the picnic this Friday, here are some of the details: We will be leaving at 9:45 a.m. (this is an approximate time.) Families are welcome to join, as long as they don't mind volunteering. We need all the help you can offer!

The kids will be provided with lunch, so you do not need to pack your child's lunch or bring lunch money.

We will be at the park until after noon, at which point we will all return to school for the school raffle! It is not too late to buy your tickets now. You could win some terrific prizes with your donation to Sutro!

Please do not bring any toys to the park, as they may be lost in the shuffle. Games and activities will be provided by the school and Ms. Shaz, our fabulous P.E. instructor.

See you then, students!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Harvesting the Radishes

After many weeks of waiting, the students finally had their chance to harvest the radishes that have been growing on the stoop of the stairwell. Their patience paid off, because the vegetables were delicious! There were a few different kinds of radish planted, but the consensus was that they were all tasty in their own unique way. The kids tasted every part of the radish, including the stems and leaves.

Everyone was thrilled, and we thank Ms. Vermette for all of her hard work and creativity with the nutrition program this year. We have all learned to eat healthier and take care of our bodies by using the right kind of "fuel." Thank you, Ms. Vermette! We will miss you over the summer.

Homework for May 26/Week 36

HOMEWORK for May 26-June 1/WEEK 36

1. Daily Language Review

2. Daily Academic Vocabulary

3. Daily Paragraph Editing

4. Daily Handwriting Practice

5. Daily Word Problems

6. Daily Math Practice

7. Daily Geography

8. Journey Into the Earth crossword

9. Tic Tac Math

10. Reading Log

ESSAY: Write four paragraphs on your favorite field trip and why it was your favorite. It can be from any year you spent here at Sutro.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The End is Near!

The kids are feeling the anxiety and excitement of the end of the year, and for some it is a little daunting. The idea of leaving a school they have been familiar with for years can be intimidating, especially when they have known nothing else but Sutro and the family they have created here.

Remember to encourage your children to think about what they would like to get out of their 5th grade education, and to plan a "bridge" over the summer so they won't be so shocked by the 6th grade curriculum when it comes in August.

A "bridge" over the summer can be anything from a tutoring program or class to a summer camp that emphasizes academics as well as enrichment programs. This can help kids keep their focus on learning and knowledge when television and video games are tempting.

Please look into local programs and classes in your neighborhood to see if there is something that may keep him/her involved, interested, and active. In other words, turn off the television, shut down the computer, and take the fun outside!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Homework for May 18/Week 35

HOMEWORK for May 18 to May 26/WEEK 35

1. Word Search

2. Daily Language Review

3. Daily Academic Vocabulary

4. Daily Paragraph Editing

5. Daily Handwriting Practice

6. Daily Word Problems

7. Daily Math Practice

8. Daily Geography

9. Tic Tac Math

10. Reading Log

ESSAY: Write six paragraphs on what you are planning to accomplish this summer.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Annual All School Picnic at Mt. Lake Park

Testing is now over! The kids are sighing relief as we continue on through the last four weeks of school. In case you haven't seen the school calendar on this blog (down below on the right) the next event for the students is the annual school wide picnic at Mt. Lake Park, which is scheduled for May 29th. This picnic is followed by a raffle on the lower yard of Sutro, so if you can possibly volunteer or attend, please do!

Hopefully, you also received the raffle tickets and request for raffle prize donations from the PTA. Thank you for your help and generosity!

The picnic begins mid-morning and continues until afternoon. Hot dogs and all the fixings will be provided for the children.

Please make sure you read every notice that is coming home at this time. And if you are NOT getting these notices, please make sure you check your child's backpack every day. There is important information you must receive that pertains to the end of the year.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Homework for May 11/Week 34

HOMEWORK for May 11 to May 18/WEEK 34

1. Word Search

2. Daily Language Review

3. Daily Academic Vocabulary

4. Daily Paragraph Editing

5. Daily Handwriting Practice

6. Daily Word Problems

7. Daily Math Practice

8. Daily Geography

9. Tic Tac Math

10. Reading Log

ESSAY: If you were to speak in front of the audience at graduation, what would you say? Write your speech. Four paragraphs.

The Atlantis Launch

NASA will launch the space shuttle Atlantis at 11:00 a.m. today! Make sure you watch it, if you are in close proximity to a television! Room 11 will be watching the launch live, via internet streaming from Nasa TV.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello Parents of 4th Graders!

Hi Parents of the incoming 5th grade class of 2010! I hope you are looking forward to learning all about the 5th grade curriculum in Room 11 next year. In case you were wondering, this is a short list of what your child should know after a year in 4th grade.

By the end of fourth grade you can expect your child to:

Begin to make more decisions and engage in group decision-making

Want to be part of a group

Think independently and critically

Have empathy

Show a strong sense of responsibility

Be able to memorize and recite facts, although he may not have a deep understanding of them

Increase the amount of detail in drawings

Work on research projects

Write a structured paragraph with an introductory topic sentence, three supporting details and a closing sentence that wraps up the main idea of the paragraph.

Use a range of strategies when drawing meaning from text, such as prediction, connections and inference

Understand cause and effect relationships

Add and subtract decimals, and compare decimals and fractions

Multiply multi-digit numbers by two-digit numbers (26 x 5,348)

Divide larger multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers (1215 / 3)

Find the area of two-dimensional shapes

Have a greater awareness of fairness issues

Monday, May 4, 2009

Homework for May 4/Week 33

HOMEWORK for May 4 to May 11/WEEK 33

1. Word Search

2. Daily Language Review

3. Daily Academic Vocabulary

4. Daily Paragraph Editing

5. Daily Handwriting Practice

6. Daily Word Problems

7. Daily Math Practice

8. Daily Geography

9. Tic Tac Math

10. Crossword

11. Reading Log

12. POETRY: Create five triplet poems. They can either be one large poem or five smaller poems.

Friday, May 1, 2009

P.E. at Mt. Lake Park

Ms. Shaz, our fabulous P.E. instructor, had the great idea to take the kids to Mt. Lake Park for class today. She ran the kids ragged, and led them in a rousing game of softball. It was a great break from the testing schedule that has been looming overhead for the past week.

Ms. Shaz has been teaching the kids about sportsmanship, healthy living and exercise, and basic tolerance of others since she arrived at Sutro this year and we are very grateful to her for being such a terrific influence on our young students. Room 11 had a great time at the park today because of her quick thinking and thoughtfulness. Thank you, Ms. Shaz!