Wednesday, November 5, 2008

DeYoung Museum Field Trip

The DeYoung Museum field trip was a huge success. The kids enjoyed the day out of the classroom, and especially the fish pond, where we enjoyed our home-made lunches.

The very capable docent led us around the museum and towards the Colonial period, which concentrated more on the status and symbolism of the clothing and decadence of the time. The paintings were realistic and there was a strong use of shadowing and shading. This came in handy when the students were shown upstairs for their art activity.

The activity concentrated most on the aforementioned shadowing and shading. The kids saw some items on a tablecloth...cups, saucers, vases...and they were asked to draw them in clear light with lead on white paper.

Then, the shades were drawn and the room darkened. The art instructor turned on two lamps on each of the tables, and the shadows emerged very clearly. The kids then drew on black paper with white chalk to emphasize the highlights made by the light on the darkness. It was a very interesting lesson on the contrast of dark and light, shadow and shape.

They did a wonderful job, and I was very pleased with their interest in art. We will definitely be looking forward to the next field trip in 2009!

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