Wednesday, October 3, 2007


As some of you parents may know by now, I am a shameless Internet beggar. I am on every site on the world wide web, asking for donations, freebies, and grants to be filled. If you look, you can see me logged on to Adopt a Classroom, Donors Choose, and every other teacher site. The word "free" is my favorite of all the words in the English language.

And some of you may also know I am interested in taking your kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium this February. However, SFUSD will not accommodate us with a free bus. Therefore, I have been looking into alternatives...charter buses.

Unfortunately, they are extremely expensive. I'm planning on fundraising this year to raise funds. Also, I've earmarked my small stipend from the PTA towards the trip.

Here are a few other ways I can raise money. 826 Valencia has a Teacher of the Month award of $1500. That would more than pay for our bus, AND lunch in Monterey. Woo!

So consider this a blatant attempt at fundraising on my part. If you feel so inclined to nominate me for a fabulous Teacher award, thank you in advance...and cross your fingers...the kids (and by kids, I mean ME) want to go to Monterey! Don't you?

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