by Jacob
by Jacob
This is a song by The Beatles. It is off what I think is the best Beatles album; The White Album. It was written by John Lennon. He talks about how important it is to fight for what you believe in, without violence.
John Lennon originally wrote this song to all the militant groups who were challenging him about how he was left wing, yet did not support their ways. John Lennon was peaceful and did not believe in violene, but was still unsure. For instance, he says in the song, "But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out, in?"
This song is relevant for today because the things that were happening when Lennon wrote this in 1968 are happening now. America is at war, and thousands of people are dying every day because we cannot find a solution.
Martin Luther King Jr. said that you cannot fight fire with fire. We decided to go into this war, and look where it got us. John was right about how peace is the way to go.
This song was written in the sixties when I was not born yet, but I understand how it is the same thing today. Maybe we need a change, a revolution, in the way we look at things.
This essay rocks hard as the Beatles!
Hi Jacob,
Nice essay! :)
Here is a page with the lyrics to your song:
They have lyrics to almost all of The Beatles' songs on that site. Thought you might want to know. :)
Have a nice day!
hi javob this is the best essay i ever read!
superb essay fellow classmate.
i love your passion for peace.
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