Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Couple of Small Things...

There were a few things sent home today, so keep your eyes open for some papers and whatnot. Please sign on the dotted line and send them back to school tomorrow with your fabulous kids, please. Thanks in advance for your attention!

1) A "waiver" of sorts. Not an official waiver, but a request from your teacher. It's hard to have such terrific pictures of the students and not post them on the web. It's completely understandable if you do not want your child's image on the Internet at all. Safety is my number one concern 100% of the time, also.

However, I ask that you reconsider and allow some images to be posted. Most of the photos I have are group shots, not singles. And the blog address is not advertised openly, nor is it posted on Blogger's public sites page. It's a private site, open only to those who know the address. It is not searchable.

It is entirely up to you and your child, so I understand if you can not accommodate me. Thanks nonetheless!

2) A survey is being sent home. Please look it over carefully and fill it out. It is being requested of all parents of Sutro Elementary, and we will be checked by the "powers that be" once they are all in. It will do ME some good, too! I get a $10 gift card from Target if they are all returned in a timely manner. That means more notebooks and pencils for Room 11...WOO!

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