Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The AIDS Quilt comes to Sutro Elementary

Thanks to one of our 2nd grade teachers, Ms. Lau, we had the honor of viewing the AIDS Quilt at Sutro today. It was an amazingly powerful thing, seeing the love and heartfelt emotion that went into every stitch that created the small piece of quilt we saw.

Every one of the six panels that were sewn together was heartbreaking and lovely in its own way. The Room 11 kids were especially touched by the sewn butterflies and little teddy bears that indicated a small child had fallen victim to the horrible virus that is AIDS.

We will be writing about our experiences in our Social Studies journals later next week, and then we will create our own quilt of rememberance out of humble construction paper and art utensils. Look for it in the library when it is finished.

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