Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Most Amazing Field Trip!

The kids had a long day yesterday, but it was worth it!  We boarded the bus with our terrific driver and set out for the Monterey Bay early at 9:00 a.m.  We made great time and arrived at noon, with just enough time to have a leisurely lunch in a picturesque area overlooking the ocean and the playful sea otters, who were also having their lunch!

The 31 kids that came on the trip were split into small groups of four and five.  We were fortunate enough to have seven chaperones on the trip, including Mr. Wong, Mr. Reed, Ms. Liz, Ms. Connie, Ms. Jay, and Ms. Suzanne.  All of our adults were very excited to show the kids around this amazing, world-famous aquarium.  

The groups didn't just tour the aquarium, however.  They were each given a packet of questions and partook in a scavenger hunt.  Most of the questions were easily found, but some of them were tricky.  But the kids were enthusiastic and really into winning for their group!  A part of the packet called "backatcha"  also included the kids creating their own questions to stump other group members.  At the end of the day, Mr. Reed quizzed kids with various questions.  Karen did amazingly well with several of them, showing that she was truly paying attention!

The sea otter feeding was extremely crowded, but most of the kids got a glimpse of our furry friends while they played and ate.  The jelly fish exhibit was a huge hit.  The kids had never seen some of the amazing jellies on display, and were mesmerized by the way they undulated and moved and glowed!

The giant octopus was hiding up at the top of the tank, unwilling to come out and show himself to the crowds of kids waiting to see his long tentacles reach out.  However, they were more than happy to touch the soft and slippery manta rays in their swim tanks instead.  The touch tank was, of course, a hugely popular stop.  Everyone loved touching the starfish and sea cucumber...although they may never eat another sea cucumber again, after hearing all about how they live!

The kids did an incredible job on this trip, and I couldn't be more proud or pleased with the class as a whole.  I was so happy to have this opportunity to take them on this journey!  Kudos to you, Room 11!  YOU ROCK!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the best field trip of my life! you rock Ms.Kim!

super man said...

thanks for the great trip Ms.Kim. You rock

Anonymous said...

you are the best ms kim!!!!!