Friday, December 19, 2008
Last School Day of 2008!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Homework for December 15th to 19th-Week 16
(Math packets for Chapter 16 are due after the break.)
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
4) Word Search
5) Daily Paragraph Editing
6) Daily Handwriting Practice
7) Daily Word Problems
8) Daily Math Practice
a. Do NOT do Tuesday #4
b. Do NOT do Wednesday #1, 2, 5
c. Do NOT do Thursday #1, 2, 3, 5
9) Daily Geography
8) Tic Tac Math
a. Solve ALL problems
9) Math Multiplication Table
10) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Presidential Report
Monday, December 8, 2008
Homework for December 8-Week 15
1. Spelling Skills
2. Daily Language Review
3. Daily Academic Vocabulary
4. Daily Paragraph Editing
5. Daily Handwriting Practice
6. Daily Word Problems
7. Daily Geography
8. Daily Math Practice
a. Do NOT do Monday #4, #5
b. Do NOT do Tuesday #2, #4
c. Do NOT do Wednesday #1, #2
d. Do NOT do Thursday #1, #4
9. Reading Log
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The AIDS Quilt comes to Sutro Elementary
Every one of the six panels that were sewn together was heartbreaking and lovely in its own way. The Room 11 kids were especially touched by the sewn butterflies and little teddy bears that indicated a small child had fallen victim to the horrible virus that is AIDS.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Welcome Back!
We will be working on our Presidential Reports on Wednesday in computer lab, so bring your reports and any research you have already done.
Also, PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK. I gave you an additional week so you can finish it at your leisure. It is due on Monday.
See you tomorrow, students!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great five-day weekend, students! Enjoy your Thanksgiving and I will see you on Monday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Homework for November 24-Week 14
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. defend, viewpoint, position, perspective
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Fable, “Maui and the Sun”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Geography
a. Mountains and Deserts of the U.S.
8) Tic Tac Math
a. Solve ALL problems
9) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Monday problems #2, 4
b. Do not do Tuesday problems #1, 4
c. Do not do Wednesday problem #2, 4
d. Do not do Thursday problem # 1
10) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Work on your Presidential Report. You should be finished with letters A – R. If you are finished with your letters through R, work on your pictures for your report.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
How Important is Homework?
Assigning homework serves various educational needs. It serves as an intellectual discipline, establishes study habits, eases time constraints on the amount of curricular material that can be covered in class, and supplements and reinforces work done in school. In addition, it fosters student initiative, independence, and responsibility and brings home and school closer together.
Homework is defined as out-of-class tasks assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work. There are three types of homework: practice, preparation, and extension.Practice assignments reinforce newly acquired skills. For example, students who have just learned a new method of solving a mathematical problem should be given sample problems to complete on their own.
Preparation assignments help students get ready for activities that will occur in the classroom. Students may, for example, be required to do background research on a topic to be discussed later in class. Extension assignments are frequently long-term continuing projects that parallel classwork. Students must apply previous learning to complete these assignments, which include science fair projects and term papers.
Research in the last decade has begun to focus on the relationship between homework and student achievement and has greatly strengthened the case for homework. Although there are mixed findings about whether homework actually increases students' academic achievement, many teachers and parents agree that homework develops students' initiative and responsibility and fulfills the expectations of students, parents, and the public. Studies generally have found homework assignments to be most helpful if they are carefully planned by the teachers and have direct meaning to students.
How Can Parents Get Involved?
- Share any concerns you may have regarding the amount or type homework assigned with your child's teacher or principal.
- Encourage your child to take notes concerning homework assignments in case questions arise later at home.
- Provide a suitable study area and the necessary tools (for example, paper and books) to complete the homework assignments.
- Limit after-school activities to allow time for both homework and family activities.
Monitor television viewing and establish a specific homework time. - Plan a homework schedule with your child. Allow for free time when assignments are completed.
- Praise your child's efforts. If questions arise about the assignments, and your child asks for help, ask him or her questions or work through an example rather than simply providing the answer.
- Younger children need more parental assistance with homework than older children. Go over homework assignments with your child. Do several problems or questions together, then observe your child doing the next one or two.
- If your child is in elementary school, check completed assignments. At all levels, ask to look at homework once it has been marked and returned.
- Ask your child's teachers about their homework policy and specific assignments.
- According to some researchers, two ways to increase students' opportunities to learn are to increase the amount of time that students have to learn and to expand the amount of content they receive. Homework assignments may foster both these goals. Reforms in education have called for increased homework, and as a result, reports show that students are completing considerably more homework than they did a decade ago.
- According to statements by the National PTA and the National Education Association (NEA), the following amounts of homework are recommended:
- From kindergarten to third grade, no more than 20 minutes per day.
- From fourth to sixth grade, 20 to 40 minutes per day.
- From seventh to twelfth grade, the recommended amount of time varies according to the type and number of subjects a student is taking. In general, college-bound students receive lengthier and more involved homework than students preparing to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.
- Lack of an established homework policy may place either insufficient or unrealistic demands on your child. Students may not be expected to work to capacity; alternatively, they may receive too many assignments from different teachers on the same evening.
Schools with homework policies tend to set guidelines for teachers to correct, grade, and return homework systematically to their students, thus reinforcing learning. - Schools with homework policies generally provide specific guidelines regarding what is expected from parents.
- Schools with homework policies tend to carefully design and provide homework assignments appropriate to each grade level.
- Students may not always view homework as a pleasant experience, but if the assignment serves a good purpose and parents reinforce the completion of the tasks, students will benefit by gaining higher grades, better study habits, and a more positive attitude toward school and learning.
- Homework assignments give parents insight into the school curriculum and offer a greater opportunity for student learning to occur.
Where Can Parents Find Out More About Homework Guidelines?
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
805 West Pennsylvania Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-4897
(217) 333-1386.
National Education Association
1201 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 822-7214.
The National PTA
700 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2571
(312) 787-0977.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Homework for November 17-Week 13
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. defend, viewpoint, position, perspective
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Personal Narrative, “My Favorite Music”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Geography
a. A Physical Map of Washington
8) Tic Tac Math
a. Solve ALL problems
9) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Monday problem #4
b. Do not do Tuesday problems #2, 4
c. Do not do Wednesday problem #2
d. Do not do Thursday problems # 1, 3
10) Margaret Bourke-White
a. Read and complete crossword
11) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Work on your Presidential Report. You should be finished with alphabet letters A – H. If you finish working on your alphabet letters through H, draw your pictures for your report.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
How to Help Your Child with Homework
Yet, for all that common sense and research tell us, family involvement often remains neglected in the debate about American school reform. To focus more attention on this important subject, the U.S. Congress recently added to an initial list of six National Education Goals another that states:Every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.
We know that children who spend more time on homework, on average, do better in school, and that the academic benefits increase as children move into the upper grades. But the value of homework extends beyond school. We know that good assignments, completed successfully, can help children develop wholesome habits and attitudes. Homework can help parents learn about their children's education and communicate both with their children and the schools. And it can encourage a lifelong love of learning.
In addition to helping with homework, there are many other important ways that parents can help their children learn. Parents can encourage children to spend more leisure time reading than watching television. They can talk with their children and communicate positive behaviors, values, and character traits. They can keep in touch with the school. And they can express high expectations for children and encourage their efforts to achieve.
Indeed, family involvement in education is crucial if we want our children to succeed in school and throughout life.
-Sharon P. RobinsonAssistant SecretaryOffice of Educational Research and Improvement
Monday, November 10, 2008
Homework for November 10-Week 12
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. complicate, complicated, complication, complex
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. News Article, “New Baseball Record Set”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Geography
a. The St. Lawrence Seaway
8) Tic Tac Math
9) Daily Math Practice
10) Addition and Subtraction Page
11) Crossword Puzzles
a. Disappearing Frogs
11) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet Mercury. Write four paragraphs about what you discover.
Chevy's Night!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
DeYoung Museum Field Trip
The very capable docent led us around the museum and towards the Colonial period, which concentrated more on the status and symbolism of the clothing and decadence of the time. The paintings were realistic and there was a strong use of shadowing and shading. This came in handy when the students were shown upstairs for their art activity.
The activity concentrated most on the aforementioned shadowing and shading. The kids saw some items on a tablecloth...cups, saucers, vases...and they were asked to draw them in clear light with lead on white paper.
Then, the shades were drawn and the room darkened. The art instructor turned on two lamps on each of the tables, and the shadows emerged very clearly. The kids then drew on black paper with white chalk to emphasize the highlights made by the light on the darkness. It was a very interesting lesson on the contrast of dark and light, shadow and shape.
They did a wonderful job, and I was very pleased with their interest in art. We will definitely be looking forward to the next field trip in 2009!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Homework for November 3-Week 11
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. refer, reference
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Directions: “How to Build a Sand Castle”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Geography
a. Picturing the World
8) Tic Tac Math
9) Daily Math Practice
10) Problem Solving
11) Crossword Puzzles
a. The White House
12) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet Venus. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Homework for October 27-Week 10
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. refer, reference
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Directions: “How to Build a Sand Castle”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Geography
a. Picturing the World
8) Tic Tac Math
9) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Monday problems #1, 3, 4, 5
b. Do not do Tuesday problems #1, 3, 5
c. Do not do Wednesday problem #1
d. Do not do Thursday problem #4
10) Problem Solving
11) Crossword Puzzles
a. The White House
12) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet Venus. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Re-Take Day for Pictures!
Chevy's Night!
PLACE: Chevy's Stonestown Galleria
TIME: 4:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Please mark your calendars for November 10 from 4PM to 10PM. Every meal we purchase, some of the tab will be donated to Sutro Elementary School. Be sure to get a Chevy's flier from Ms. Marcy in the office, because you will need to include it with your bill. I hope you can all attend!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Homework for October 20-Week 9
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Word Problems
3) Daily Handwriting Practice
4) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. Review Words
5) Daily Language Review
6) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Science Article: ”Busy as a Beaver”
7) Daily Geography
a. Picturing North America
8) Tic Tac Math
9) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Thursday problems #3, 4, 5
10) Problem Solving
11) Crossword Puzzles
a. Ancient Roman Baths
12) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your thoughts and ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet PLUTO. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Homework for October 14-Week 8
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. estimate, estimation, calculate
3) Daily Language Review
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Journal Entry: “Trade Route to India”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
7) Daily Word Problems
8) Daily Geography
a. A Mercator Projection Map
9) Tic Tac Math
10) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Monday problem #3, 4
b. Do not do Tuesday problems #2, 3, 4
c. Do not do Wednesday problem #4
d. Do not do Thursday problem #5
e. Friday question is a bonus cub buck!
11) Subtraction Practice
12) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
ESSAY: Write the lyrics to your favorite song. Write a four paragraph essay on why this is your favorite song and what the lyrics mean to you.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Homework for October 6-Week 7
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. interpret, interpretation, clarify
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Letters: “Foreign Exchange”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
7) Daily Word Problems
8) Daily Geography
a. A Robinson Projection Map
9) Tic Tac Math
10) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Thursday problem #4
11) Addition Practice
12) Crossword Puzzle
a. Harry Houdini: Master of Escapes
13) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
INTERNET HUNT: Search for the artist LEONARDO DAVINCI. Research the artist, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Homework for September 30-Week 6
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Word Problems
3) Daily Language Review
4) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. translate, translation, quote, quotation
5) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Social Studies article, “Pap” Singleton: A Man with a Dream
6) Daily Handwriting Practice
7) Daily Geography
a. Map Coordinates
8) Tic Tac Math
9) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.
9) Daily Math Practice
INTERNET HUNT: Search for POET MAYA ANGELOU. Research his life. Write a four paragraph journal essay.
READ: Maya Angelou poem I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS. Write two paragraphs on what you thought of the poem and what you felt about the words. What does it mean to you?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Sutro School Library is Now OPEN!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Academy of Sciences OPEN HOUSE!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Homework for September 22-Week 5
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Handwriting Practice
a. Monday through Thursday
3) Daily Math Practice
a. Do NOT do questions 3 and 5 on Tuesday
4) Geography
a) Lines of Latitude and Longitude
5) Daily Language Review
6) Daily Paragraph Editing
a) Science Article: The Business of Farming
7) Daily Word Problems
8) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a) perform, performance, accomplish, accomplishment
9) Tic Tac Math
a) Do all problems
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Participating museums in San Francisco and the Bay Area:
Monday, September 15, 2008
Homework for September 15-Week 4
1) Spelling List
2) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. imply, implication, contend
3.) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Editorial: Bring Back “Pizza Thursdays”
4) Daily Math Practice
5) Daily Word Problems
6) Daily Language Review
7) Daily Handwriting Practice
8) Daily Geography
a. A Map Grid
9) Reading Log
INTERNET HUNT: Find Langston Hughes, the poet, on the Internet. Write a two paragraph essay on who he is and what he has done. Do NOT copy off the Internet. Use your own words.
ESSAY: Read the attached poem by Langston Hughes called The Dream Keeper. Write a 4 paragraph essay on the poem, and what you believe it means. What does it mean to you?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Literacy Links
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Moving Along Swimmingly
Monday, September 8, 2008
Homework for September 8-Week 3
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Handwriting Practice
3) Geography
a) The Four Hemispheres
4) Daily Word Problems
5) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Earth Science: Summer Solstice
6) Daily Math Practice
7) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. convince, persuade, persuasion, persuasive
8) Daily Language Review
9) Reading Log
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
VOTE for New Computer Equipment for Room 11!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Homework for September 2-Week 2
1) Spelling List
2) Daily Math Practice
3) Daily Language Review
4) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. suppose, assume, assumption, presume
5) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Historical Fiction: My Sister, Dolley Madison
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Handwriting Practice
8) Daily Geography
a. Globe Lines
9) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read at least 20 minutes every day. Write a paragraph about what you read.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The First Day of School
Homework for August 25-Week 1
This is your homework for the week. You have Monday through Tuesday to finish it. Go at your own pace, but be sure to complete everything and have it ready to turn in on Tuesday. You are responsible for your own work. Make sure you double-check your answers and write neatly and clearly. Use extra paper when necessary.
1) Daily Language Review
2) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. John Muir’s Early Life
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. typical, standard
4) Daily Math Practice
5) Daily Word Problems
6) Spelling List
7) Daily Geography
a. Parts of a Map
8) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read at least 20 minutes every day. Write a paragraph about what you read.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
California Standards Test 2008 Results!
CST Results
(Scale: % at or above proficient)
Grade 2
English Language Arts
55% (2008)
61% (2007)
60% (2006)
36% (2005)
The state average for English Language Arts was 48% in 2008.
76% (2008)
79% (2007)
75% (2006)
57% (2005)
The state average for Math was 59% in 2008.
Grade 3
English Language Arts
38% (2008)
54% (2007)
39% (2006)
36% (2005)
The state average for English Language Arts was 38% in 2008.
71% (2008)
69% (2007)
74% (2006)
64% (2005)
The state average for Math was 61% in 2008.
Grade 4
English Language Arts
64% (2008)
68% (2007)
68% (2006)
60% (2005)
The state average for English Language Arts was 55% in 2008.
61% (2008)
73% (2007)
70% (2006)
66% (2005)
The state average for Math was 61% in 2008.
Grade 5
61% (2008)
52% (2007)
37% (2006)
The state average for Science was 46% in 2008.
English Language Arts
71% (2008)
62% (2007)
61% (2006)
64% (2005)
The state average for English Language Arts was 48% in 2008.
88% (2008)
66% (2007)
73% (2006)
70% (2005)
The state average for Math was 51% in 2008.
Source: CA Dept. of Education, 2007-2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
In Your Back Yard Contest Results!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I will miss you all terribly. You have made this year the best ever! Thank you, students! You rock!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Room 11 Memory DVDs
Thursday, June 5, 2008
5th Grade Baker Beach Picnic Tomorrow!
On the menu for lunch tomorrow is pizza, chips, fruit, cookies, and juice. Quite an improvement from the daily school lunches!
See you tomorrow, bright and early! The bus picks us up at 9:45 a.m. on the dot, so please don't be late!
The Final Countdown!
Claire, Jessie, Shan Shan, Angela, and Carmen have all had their photography accepted into the Smithsonian Children's Art contest! The first round is at the fabulous Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the winners of this preliminary contest will be announced on Sunday. Send good thoughts and well wishes to our amazing contestants!
If one or more of the students wins this round, they will be pushed up to the nationals in Washington D.C. I am more than excited and proud. Good job, students! And GOOD LUCK!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
School Picnic!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Go to the DeYoung Museum!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Hottest Day of the Year?
Although the sun is 150 million km from the Earth, you wouldn't know it by the heat we felt today in school.
Today, the temperatures hit the mid-80's, and the kids were feeling the heat. We took a break from work and sat in the dark with the windows wide open to watch a little Harry Potter. After a strenuous session of P.E., the students were exhausted and over-heated, and deserving of a cool cream sandwiches!
Tomorrow promises to be just a tad bit cooler, although you should still wear shorts and tank tops to school tomorrow. It's going to be another hot one! Stay cool, students! And remember...there is a quiz tomorrow on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Letting Go...
The Poetry Project
With some hesitancy, the students have stepped into the very diverse and somewhat challenging world of poetry writing.
We began slowly with Haiku, which is a poem that consists of lines that are written according to a specific syllabic rhythm. This is a very structured method of writing poetry. Its origins are Japanese, and is a very easy introduction for novices, as the poems do not use rhyme. There are three lines of five, seven and five syllables each. The poem usually talk about some aspect of nature, although we have explored other types of Haiku as well.
A Couplet, Triplet, and Quatrain are types of poems that require rhyming in different forms. Perhaps the most popular type of poetry used, the couplet has stanzas made up of two lines which rhyme with each other. A Triplet poem has the same idea, except with three rhyming lines instead of two. A Quatrain poem has four lines in a stanza, of which the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have a similar syllable structure.
This week, we began writing a Cinquain poem. This is another unique type of poetry style. As the name suggests, it is made up of five lines. The first line is just one word, which is often the title of the poem. The second line has two words which describe the first line. The third line has three words, and is mostly the action part of the poem. The fourth line is four words describing the feelings. And the fifth line, again, has just one word which is the title of the poem and a synonym.
Yesterday, we discovered something called a Diamond Cinquain, which is a Cinquain written in the shape of a diamond. This will segway nicely into today's poetry, which will be a Shape Poem...a topic which will be written in a particular shape.
Keep your eyes open for more poetry as the year comes to a close!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
CineMark Summer Movie Clubhouse!
Monday, May 12, 2008
HOMEWORK for May 12
HOMEWORK for May 12 to
1. Word Search
2. Daily Language Review
3. Daily Academic Vocabulary
4. Daily Paragraph Editing
5. Daily Handwriting Practice
6. Daily Word Problems
7. Daily Math Practice
8. Daily Geography
9. Tic Tac Math
10. Crossword
11. Reading Log
12. POETRY: Create five triplet poems. They can either be one large poem or five smaller poems.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Life in the Undergrowth
Monday, May 5, 2008
HOMEWORK for May 5
HOMEWORK for May 5 to
1. Word Search
2. Daily Language Review
3. Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. represent, representative, symbolize, symbol, symbolic
4. Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Science Article: Roving the Red Planet
5. Daily Handwriting Practice
6. Daily Word Problems
7. Daily Math Practice
8. Daily Geography
a. A Tourist Map:
9. Tic Tac Math
10. Crossword
a. Totem Poles
11. Reading Log
12. Essay: What do you think 5th grade will teach you? What do you think you will experience in 6th grade? Write FOUR paragraphs. Explain and elaborate.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Caterpillar Condo
The kids have been having a blast checking up on their charges. They take care of them so well, and watch over them like hovering mother hens. Steve, who has adopted the majority of the leftover caterpillars (seven of them!) has earned the name "Papa Steve." He has kept a careful eye on all of his little ones, and takes great pride in the fact that all of them have managed to stay alive during this trying time.
Things the kids have noticed: "blood" or pigment that is basically what the caterpillar has not needed during it's transformation and formation of the wings. Also noticed: "poop" and "spider web things" which is basically...well, exactly that. The silk the caterpillars have spun does indeed look just like spider webs!
We are all hoping they come out to say hello soon. And when we do eventually welcome our newly transformed butterflies, we will need carnation petals and apples. They also like watermelon, apparently...just like the Room 11 students!
Monday, April 28, 2008
1. Go to bed EARLY. Get lots of sleep so you will be well rested for the test in the morning.
2. Eat a HEALTHY BREAKFAST so you won't be hungry during testing. Eat some brain food!
3. Come to school ON TIME. If you are late, you will be locked out of the room. You will be spending a long time waiting in the office.
4. Pay close attention to WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING and solve. Do not rush to answer without completely reading what they are asking.
5. DO NOT RUSH through your test, but DO NOT BE A TURTLE and use all your time on one question. You need to pace yourself.
6. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ANSWERS. Put check marks next to the ones you aren't sure of and return to try it again after you are done with the questions you know.
7. Drink water. BRING A WATER BOTTLE. You need to stay hydrated throughout your test so you don't become tired.
8. DO NOT PANIC. If you are in Room 11, YOU ARE READY. You know everything on this test. You just need to apply your knowledge and put it to good use!
10. GOOD LUCK! And I will see you all in the morning...ON TIME!
HOMEWORK for April 28
1. Word Search
2. Daily Language Review
3. Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. represent, representative, symbolize, symbol, symbolic
4. Daily Paragraph Editing
a. History: “The Pull of the Pole”
5. Daily Handwriting Practice
6. Daily Word Problems
7. Daily Math Practice
8. Daily Geography
a. Sharing the Colorado River
9. Tic Tac Math
10. Crossword
a. The Tin Lizzy
11. Reading Log
12. Essay: You have already written about what you will miss about Sutro School. Now write a six paragraph essay on why you will miss ROOM 11. What are some of the things you will miss most about your class? Your classroom? Your grade? Be specific and write from the heart.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Amazing Car Wash!
Thank you to all the volunteers for their help with the 5th Grade Car Wash Fundraiser this past Saturday! It was hugely successful, and the highest grossing one to date! All proceeds will go towards the Baker Beach 5th Grade Picnic as well as the 5th Grade Graduation!
And thank you for washing my car, students. It looks so clean, you can see your reflection!
Friday, April 25, 2008
(Thank you to Qinglin for sending me this very informative link!)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Springtime for Caterpillars!
Once the caterpillar eats all the food and cocoons itself, we will place them into the caterpillar "condo" and wait patiently for them to break out and spread their beautiful wings as butterflies.
The kids are very excited about their new wards, and I'm sure they will take very good care of all of them.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
No Smoking, Please...
I doubt we will have to worry about any of the Room 11 students ever touching or inhaling a cigarette. The lungs were completely grey and diseased, and left quite an impression on everyone. YIKES!
Monday, April 21, 2008
HOMEWORK for April 21
1) Spelling List
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Math Practice
8) Daily Geography
9) Recipe for Multiplication
10) Vocabulary and Social Studies
11) Reading Log
ESSAY: Please write SIX paragraphs on “The Importance of Reading.” Give examples of how reading has helped you. What about reading do you enjoy most? What is your favorite type of book and why?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
States and Capitals and All Sorts of Good Things...
Today, the kids took the test, sitting alongside Mr. Wong.
Mr. Wong missed a total of 16, which earned him a B-. This is how the kids scored:
13 students received an A
9 students received an A-
2 students received a B+
1 students received a B-
3 students received a C-
2 students scored 50% or better
2 students scored under 50%
1 student was absent, and will need to take the test later in the week.
NOT TO SHABBY, STUDENTS!! Mr. Wong and I are very proud of all of you who studied so dilligently. Congratulations!
Monday, April 14, 2008
HOMEWORK for April 14
1) Spelling List
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Math Practice
8) Daily Geography
9) Recipe for Multiplication
10) Vocabulary and Social Studies
11) Reading Log
ESSAY: Work on your State Report, which is due on MONDAY. Do NOT forget to make a brochure. The sample is available for you to examine if needed. EVERYBODY MUST TURN IN THEIR REPORTS ON MONDAY. DO NOT FORGET.
Please write SIX paragraphs on “What I will miss most about Sutro School.” Give examples of how Sutro has helped you. What are your favorite memories of Sutro? How did you feel when you first started compared to how you feel leaving? What has Sutro taught you? How has Sutro taught you to be a better student? How will you remember Sutro later on in Middle School? What is the importance of your education at Sutro?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Science with Miss Molly!
Monday, April 7, 2008
HOMEWORK for April 7th
1) Spelling Words
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. News Article, “Waverly Residents Prepare for Tornaadoes”
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Math Practice
8) Geography
a. A Product Map of Nebraska
9) Fractions Beyond Compare
10) Reading Log
You are to have at least 12 drawings for your state report. You should have your state drawn already. You should also have your state flag drawn. You should also draw your state flower, state landmarks, and anything that distinguishes your state from the rest. Remember to DO YOUR BEST WORK and to USE COLOR.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Zooming through Harcourt Math!
For those of you who need a refresher: Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater than zero: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... . Negative integers are all the opposites of these whole numbers: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, … . We do not consider zero to be a positive or negative number. For each positive integer, there is a negative integer, and these integers are called opposites. For example, -3 is the opposite of 3, -21 is the opposite of 21, and 8 is the opposite of -8. If an integer is greater than zero, we say that its sign is positive. If an integer is less than zero, we say that its sign is negative. Whew!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Coat of Arms
To create a Coat of Arms, you must choose symbols and colors, all of which have specific meanings. The color red, for example, means "warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity."
Each person chose three things to add to their coat, which identified their family and themselves in some way. I believe they truly enjoy the art projects, because they are always so beautifully colored and drawn. I think we have a slew of budding artists in the classroom!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
HOMEWORK for April 1st
1) Spelling Words
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Book Review, “Dinotopia” 1
5) Daily Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Math Practice
8) Geography
a. A Cultural Map
9) The Factor Factory
10) Reading Log
DRAW YOUR STATE for your research report. Do your BEST WORK.
DRAW YOUR STATE FLAG for your research report.
Research your STATE for your report, which is due on April 21st
Find: Famous people from your state, anything particularly interesting about your state, Continue working on your list of things to find, from A to Z.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Enjoying Your Spring Break?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Chapter 21 Math Test on FRIDAY
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring Slump
Monday, March 17, 2008
HOMEWORK for March 17
1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation
2) Daily Language Review
3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. Review of words
4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Fantasy: Seashore Mystery
5) Handwriting Practice
6) Daily Word Problems
7) Daily Math Practice
8) Daily Geography
a. Twenty Largest Cities in the United States
9) Fraction Leftovers
10) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas. You MUST READ EVERY DAY. Please read for at least ten minutes a day.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
State Reports are Underway!
Speaking of the United States, the students have been working hard on their states and capitals quizes (one every week or two) and most have passed with flying colors. At least half of the 33 kids in class scored 100% on their last quiz, which included states and matching their capitals, AND spelling.
They are working towards the big geography test in April that will require them to not only name and label every state and capital in the U.S., but also spell them correctly and place the cities in the correct place. I have no doubt they will do a fabulous job! I am VERY impressed with all of the kids in class!