Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The field trip yesterday was amazing! The Asian Art Museum is such a gem. If you have a chance to visit with your kids, I would advise it! They loved the art for the different countries. We explored mostly China, Korea, and a little bit of Japan in the galleries, but the kids loved the brush painting lessons the most. They created some fabulous art, which is hanging from our clothesline in the classroom, if you want to see!

The kids did very well on the trip, and behaved their best. MUNI is not easy with 33 kids, but they did amazingly well, considering how crowded and grumpy some of the passengers and drivers were. We have some great kids in Room 11!

Mr. Reed came on our field trip as a chaperone, and we were lucky enough to have him teach a lesson before we left for the bus. He taught the kids all about woodcut art, and showed them his own woodblock prints, which left quite an impression. Then, we had time to make our own "wood" cut art by using styro-foam meat trays from the super market to carve our own Christmas card images. The are just lovely, and will hopefully find their way home to you and your families soon!

If you're curious about our trip, please feel free to take a look at our photos on the web...

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