Monday, October 29, 2007

HOMEWORK for October 29

Homework for October 29- November 5

1) Spelling List

a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Language Review

3) Daily Academic Vocabulary

a. refer, reference

4) Daily Paragraph Editing

a. Directions: “How to Build a Sand Castle

5) Daily Handwriting Practice

6) Daily Word Problems

7) Daily Geography

a. Picturing the World

8) Tic Tac Math

9) Daily Math Practice

a. Do not do Monday problems #1, 3, 4, 5

b. Do not do Tuesday problems #1, 3, 5

c. Do not do Wednesday problem #1

d. Do not do Thursday problem #4

10) Problem Solving

11) Crossword Puzzles

a. The White House

12) Reading Log

a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet Venus. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Thanks to the help of a t-shirt fundraiser, we have made our goal and can now afford to charter a bus to Monterey in February! We are going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium...the furthest a class has traveled from Sutro!

Congratulations, certainly deserve a great field trip for your last year in elementary school!

HOMEWORK for October 22

Homework for October 22-October 29

1) Spelling List

a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Word Problems

3) Daily Handwriting Practice

4) Daily Academic Vocabulary

a. Review Words

5) Daily Language Review

6) Daily Paragraph Editing

a. Science Article: ”Busy as a Beaver”

7) Daily Geography

a. Picturing North America

8) Tic Tac Math

9) Daily Math Practice

a. Do not do Thursday problems #3, 4, 5

10) Problem Solving

11) Crossword Puzzles

a. Ancient Roman Baths

12) Reading Log

a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your thoughts and ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet PLUTO. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


by Jacob

This is a song by The Beatles. It is off what I think is the best Beatles album; The White Album. It was written by John Lennon. He talks about how important it is to fight for what you believe in, without violence.

John Lennon originally wrote this song to all the militant groups who were challenging him about how he was left wing, yet did not support their ways. John Lennon was peaceful and did not believe in violene, but was still unsure. For instance, he says in the song, "But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out, in?"

This song is relevant for today because the things that were happening when Lennon wrote this in 1968 are happening now. America is at war, and thousands of people are dying every day because we cannot find a solution.

Martin Luther King Jr. said that you cannot fight fire with fire. We decided to go into this war, and look where it got us. John was right about how peace is the way to go.

This song was written in the sixties when I was not born yet, but I understand how it is the same thing today. Maybe we need a change, a revolution, in the way we look at things.
Be sure to check out more of our pictures from the SF MOMA field trip last Thursday on our donation site!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Best Field Trip Ever!

Our trip to the SF MOMA was a raging success! The kids all agreed...BEST FIELD TRIP EVER! The group of 32 kids that braved MUNI to get to the museum were split into groups of six and seven, and five docents led them through the museum, including the cool light and color installation. Docent Susan had the kids transfixed with her explanation of Andy Warhol and his depiction of Elizabeth Taylor, 12, riding National Velvet in one of his lesser known works. Mondrian was explored in depth, and the kids even made their own art with horizontal and vertical lines. Note to parents: BUY CONSTRUCTION PAPER. These kids made some amazing things with simple strips of construction paper. And all of these wonderful pieces are now hanging in OUR museum in Room 11...namely, the clothesline above the desks. Check it out!

After the museum, we had a picnic lunch at the greatest (and most crowded) playground, Yerba Buena. The kids ran around, blew off some energy, and flew down the big slide onto the soft floor below. Victorio waved to me as I ate my sandwich and yelled, "THIS. IS. AWESOME!!" How much better can it get than that?

And even though our Laidlaw bus ride back to school ditched us and we had to take MUNI back...the kids never once complained. They're simply the best.

Thank you so much to Jamie and Alex for bringing their terrific dads, and to Jacob who brought his wonderful mom to help chaperone. And to Mr. Reed, who also volunteered on his day off. It was a tremendous help!

And thanks to all the kids for being so awesome...people on the bus and all of the docents actually commented on how super you were. And YOU ARE! KUDOS TO YOU!

Check out the photos HERE.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


We are very excited to visit the SF MOMA tomorrow! A wonderful docent from the museum came to Room 11 and discussed various forms of art and what kind of things to expect on our tour. Her visit was extremely illuminating, and we even built our own statue at the end!

Please make sure you are ON TIME tomorrow, as we will be leaving from the yard at exactly 8:40 a.m. If you are late and you miss us, please report to the office and receive your instructions from Ms. Marcy. You will be spending the day in Mr. Kuo's class.

Please bring a BAG LUNCH tomorrow. I have ordered extra lunches, but a home lunch is far more desirable for the kids.

Mr. Reed and two parents have graciously volunteered to chaperone our trip. We are traveling to the museum by MUNI, so we are very appreciative for the extra help!

The Laidlaw bus will be picking us up at 12:45-1:00 p.m. to give us a ride back to school, where Mr. Reed, a fabulous artist, has promised us an art lesson!

Again, PLEASE BE ON TIME. I will be in the classroom with the door open at 8:00 a.m. if you would like to drop off bags or heavy objects you do not wish to carry with you on this trip.

Thank you!

Monday, October 15, 2007


There will be a test on chapter 5 tomorrow, which covered commutative and associative properties, zero property, and variables and expressions. STUDY HARD, STUDENTS!

HOMEWORK for October 15

Homework for October 15- October 22

1) Spelling List

a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Academic Vocabulary

a. estimate, estimation, calculate

3) Daily Language Review

4) Daily Paragraph Editing

a. Journal Entry: “Trade Route to India

5) Daily Handwriting Practice

7) Daily Word Problems

8) Daily Geography

a. A Mercator Projection Map

9) Tic Tac Math

10) Daily Math Practice

a. Do not do Monday problem #3, 4

b. Do not do Tuesday problems #2, 3, 4

c. Do not do Wednesday problem #4

d. Do not do Thursday problem #5

e. Friday question is a bonus cub buck!

11) Subtraction Practice

12) Reading Log

a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Search for the planet Jupiter. Research the planet, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Room 11 Website du Jour!

When you have a moment to spare, you may want to check out our new ROOM 11 DONATION WEBSITE! And feel free to pass the web address around to friends, family, co-workers...and shamelessly promote your school!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Couple of Small Things...

There were a few things sent home today, so keep your eyes open for some papers and whatnot. Please sign on the dotted line and send them back to school tomorrow with your fabulous kids, please. Thanks in advance for your attention!

1) A "waiver" of sorts. Not an official waiver, but a request from your teacher. It's hard to have such terrific pictures of the students and not post them on the web. It's completely understandable if you do not want your child's image on the Internet at all. Safety is my number one concern 100% of the time, also.

However, I ask that you reconsider and allow some images to be posted. Most of the photos I have are group shots, not singles. And the blog address is not advertised openly, nor is it posted on Blogger's public sites page. It's a private site, open only to those who know the address. It is not searchable.

It is entirely up to you and your child, so I understand if you can not accommodate me. Thanks nonetheless!

2) A survey is being sent home. Please look it over carefully and fill it out. It is being requested of all parents of Sutro Elementary, and we will be checked by the "powers that be" once they are all in. It will do ME some good, too! I get a $10 gift card from Target if they are all returned in a timely manner. That means more notebooks and pencils for Room 11...WOO!

Monday, October 8, 2007


I don't know about you, but I have a million key fobs and store cards in my purse. Did you know you can sign up your fobs and cards and donate money to your school with your purchases?

Target has a program where a percentage of every dollar spent at their stores goes to your school of choice.

Also, Washington Mutual has Wamoola, a program designed to help schools. You must go in to your branch office and sign up, however, as it is not allowed on line.

Office Depot has a 5% Back to School program, as well. Sign up and your purchases can go towards your school!

Verizon also has a 5% school program for new and existing customers. Check it out!

Also, there's the awesome eScrip, which offers you a chance to shop and give at the same time.

If you have a Safeway card, make sure you sign up your school through eScrip. Every grocery purchase will benefit the school of your choice...namely, SUTRO!

School Pop is the coolest!
If you shop online often, you need to go through this site and donate to your school at the same time! It takes a small effort to sign up, and Sutro gets paid a percentage of your online expenditures.

So be sure to check...sometimes your shopping trips turn into cash for Sutro!

HOMEWORK for October 9

Room 11 Homework for October 9-October 15

1) Spelling List
a. Do not do spelling dictation

2) Daily Language Review

3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. interpret, interpretation, clarify

4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Letters: "Foreign Exchange"

5) Daily Handwriting Practice

6) Daliy Word Problems

7) Daily Geography
a. A Robinson Projection Map

8) Tic Tac Math

9) Daily Math Practice
a. Do not do Thursday problem #4

10) Addition Practice

11) Crossword Puzzle
a. Harry Houdini: Master of Escapes

12) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Search for the artist LEONARDO DAVINCI. Research the artist, take notes, and prepare for Wednesday computer lab where you will write a 4 paragraph essay.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Aquarium for Room 11?

The idea of a class pet has been swimming around in Room 11 for a while now...maybe a fish would be the best pet to have! If you think this may be the case, check out your nearest PetCo store and recommend Ms. Kim as the teacher most deserving of a free aquarium for her classroom! For your convenience, here are some of the locations:

1591 Sloat Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94132

San Francisco - Taylor
2598 Taylor Street
San Francisco, CA 94133

San Francisco - Potrero
1685 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


As some of you parents may know by now, I am a shameless Internet beggar. I am on every site on the world wide web, asking for donations, freebies, and grants to be filled. If you look, you can see me logged on to Adopt a Classroom, Donors Choose, and every other teacher site. The word "free" is my favorite of all the words in the English language.

And some of you may also know I am interested in taking your kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium this February. However, SFUSD will not accommodate us with a free bus. Therefore, I have been looking into alternatives...charter buses.

Unfortunately, they are extremely expensive. I'm planning on fundraising this year to raise funds. Also, I've earmarked my small stipend from the PTA towards the trip.

Here are a few other ways I can raise money. 826 Valencia has a Teacher of the Month award of $1500. That would more than pay for our bus, AND lunch in Monterey. Woo!

So consider this a blatant attempt at fundraising on my part. If you feel so inclined to nominate me for a fabulous Teacher award, thank you in advance...and cross your fingers...the kids (and by kids, I mean ME) want to go to Monterey! Don't you?

Monday, October 1, 2007

HOMEWORK for October 1

Room 11 Homework for October 1-October 8

1) Spelling List
-do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Word Problems

3) Daily Language Review

4) Daily Academic Vocabulary
-translate, translation, quote, quotation

5) Daily Paragraph Editing
-Social Studies article, "Pap" Singleton: A Man with a Dream

6) Daily Handwriting Practice

7) Daily Geography
-Map Coordinates

8) Tic Tac Math

9) Reading Log
-Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

10) Daily Math Practice

INTERNET HUNT: Search for POET LANGSTON HUGHES. Research his life and take notes. Write a four paragraph journal essay.

READ: The Langston Hughes Poem THE DREAM KEEPER. Write two paragraphs on what you thought of the poem and what you felt about the words. What does it mean to you?