Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Enjoying Your Spring Break?

I hope you're all having a great time on your break! Remember to work on your MATH PACKETS and your STATE REPORT in your spare time!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chapter 21 Math Test on FRIDAY

A reminder: There is a chapter 21 math test on multiplying fractions on FRIDAY, students! STUDY your math packets!
Hey! Guess what? I just met Willie Wonka!
The Castro Theatre is showing their annual Sketchfest movies and providing some time with special guests. Tonight's guest was none other than the infamous Gene Wilder, of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame.
He spoke fondly of the movie, and even told us that he didn't see the new version, which stars the far less Wonka-ish Johnny Depp. He chose not to see it when he saw a preview in the
movie theater and examined how Mr. Depp chose to play the character of larger-than-life Willie Wonka.
Seeing Mr. Wilder tonight reminded me of a few weeks ago when I had three of my after-school helpers in the classroom. After an hour of cleaning and sorting papers for me, the kids sat for a treat. I showed the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As soon as I popped the VHS (yes, a TAPE) of the movie into the player, the kids sat mesmerized by the technicolor show.
Occasionally, other students would filter through the classroom to pick up forgotten jackets and books and see Willie dancing and singing on the television. They, too, would plop down in a seat, never taking their eyes off the screen.
It just goes to show that cautionary tales by Roald Dahl, that mastermind of children's plight and tales of survival and, ultimately, triumph, survive the test of time. Gene Wilder paired with the mastermind storytelling of Dahl makes for a fabulous children's movie that easily passes the ten-year-old short attention span test.
The movie translates perfectly into this day and age of Internet and the word "Google" listed in the newest version of the dictionary. Netflix or rent it, if you don't already own a copy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Slump

This is the time of year I like to call The Spring Slump. It's when kids start getting burned out and tired of school, just before Spring Break hits and gives them a week off!
It's typical of every year, and every class I've had has gone through this phase. It lasts for a couple of weeks, and sometimes nearly a month.
The good news is, it goes away! After Spring Break, the kids return, refreshed and renewed!
So this post is for all the students out there experiencing this slump. HANG IN THERE! You will be enjoying Spring Break soon enough.
And come back to school ready to work...because we will be jamming through the rest of our curriculum and you will be off to Middle School before you know it!

Monday, March 17, 2008

HOMEWORK for March 17

Homework for March 17 – March 21

1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Language Review

3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. Review of words

4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Fantasy: Seashore Mystery

5) Handwriting Practice

6) Daily Word Problems

7) Daily Math Practice

8) Daily Geography
a. Twenty Largest Cities in the United States

9) Fraction Leftovers

10) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas. You MUST READ EVERY DAY. Please read for at least ten minutes a day.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

State Reports are Underway!

The kids have started their state reports as of last week, and it's looking good! Everyone should have their maps and at least two drawings complete by now. The maps I have seen so far look terrific. Good job, students!

Speaking of the United States, the students have been working hard on their states and capitals quizes (one every week or two) and most have passed with flying colors. At least half of the 33 kids in class scored 100% on their last quiz, which included states and matching their capitals, AND spelling.

They are working towards the big geography test in April that will require them to not only name and label every state and capital in the U.S., but also spell them correctly and place the cities in the correct place. I have no doubt they will do a fabulous job! I am VERY impressed with all of the kids in class!

Please use your Spring Break wisely and work on your reports. They are due on April 21st, without fail!
Also, you should be working on your math packets, Chapters 8-21 this vacation, too. If you have not been keeping up with your weekly packets, you may have a lot of work ahead of you. Please complete the packets and turn them in on the Tuesday we are back in session! Trust me, they will help you ACE YOUR MATH TESTS!
P.S. You have a Chapter 21 math test on Friday. Please study and use your math packets! Chapter 21 is on multiplying fractions. If you have problems with the concepts in this chapter, COME SEE ME AT LUNCH and I will help you.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vascular Plants and Other Goings On...

If you're asking your children the question, "What happened at school today?" they SHOULD be answering, "PLENTY!" But in case they're playing mum's the word, here's a synopsis of the week:

  • We learned about vascular plants in Science!
  • We learned about multiplying and dividing fractions in Math!
  • We danced with Mr. Michael!
  • We had our P.E. testing!
  • We learned about the Arctic Tundra in Geography!
  • We ate home-made apple cake, hot out of Hanna's mother's oven! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANNA!)
  • And we compared middle school placements!

All in all, a pretty average week chock full o' learning. Kids do a lot that they never quite manage to mention when we get home. So parents, don't forget to ask and be inquisitive! You may be pleasantly surprised!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Phantom Tollbooth

If you parents haven't heard about this incredibly entertaining book we've been reading, you must pull your kid aside and ask him/her to explain everything about it to you. You will want to read it yourself!

It was my favorite book when I was ten, and I have been re-reading it with the same relish I had in 5th grade. It integrates everything a book should be into its' pages, including math, science, wonder, imagination, and creativity...the author, Norton Juster, manages to sneak a little education into his passages every chapter.

It's been a pleasure reading the kids' written response pages to the chapters. They seem to love the imagery and really appreciate the humor, which translates well from adult to child. Pick up a copy for home, if you don't already have one. It's well worth the $7.00!

And remember...Green Apple on Clement Street has used copies!

Monday, March 10, 2008

HOMEWORK for March 10

Homework for March 10 – March 17

1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Daily Language Review

3) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. address, focus, topic

4) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. The Science Project

5) Handwriting Practice

6) Daily Word Problems

7) Daily Math Practice
a) Do not do Monday, #3
b) Do not do Tuesday, #2
c) Do not do Wednesday, #4
d) Do not do Thursday, #2

8) Daily Geography
a. The Arctic Tundra

9) Add “Sum” Fractions

10) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Research your state.

Draw a map of your state. Use the whole page, and use colors. Include the physical details of the land, including mountains (if you have them) and landmarks. Mark the capital clearly. Make sure you do a good job on this assignment, because it will be included in your final report of your state.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A New Opportunity to SHINE!

Wish us luck on the new DeYoung contest, for all genres of art! We are so excited to have an opportunity to turn in some of our work from Room 11. Our photographs from the Monterey Bay Aquarium field trip are especially striking, don't you think?

Cross your fingers and send us good thoughts, please!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

American Dental Association Poster Contest!

The students have entered the American Dental Association poster contest! Wish us luck! 1st prize is a trip for two to GREAT AMERICA, complete with $50 spending money and a hotel stay overnight in Santa Clara. I think we have some winners in the classroom!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We Touched a Human Heart Today!

The students were lucky to get an opportunity to touch five hearts today...a human, cow, sheep, pig, and reptile heart were on loan to us from the UCSF Medical center, along with twenty stethescopes and some interesting stories about the two donors.

Many of the kids were fascinated by the beating of their own hearts and the beating of their peers' hearts. But it was when Ms. Molly, our fabulous part-time librarian, asked for volunteers to touch the heart that everyone sat up and took notice! Nearly everyone in class wanted a chance to feel what a real heart was like. And everyone did a great job at being very respectful of our donors, who gave their bodies to science so students and kids could learn more about what makes us tick.

Thank to Ms. Molly who arranged this opportunity, and taught a great lesson on the circulatory system and respiratory system to boot!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Sorry to have to break this news, but the Zeum field trip tomorrow is officially CANCELLED. We will be in school. Thank you!

Monday, March 3, 2008

HOMEWORK for March 3

Homework for March 3 – March 10

1) Spelling List
a. Do NOT do spelling dictation

2) Handwriting Practice

3) Daily Language Review

4) Daily Academic Vocabulary
a. criticism, critique, critical

5) Daily Paragraph Editing
a. Letters: Vacation Letters

6) Daily Word Problems

7) Daily Math Practice
a) Do not do Wednesday #1
b) Do not do Thursday #1, #2

8) Daily Geography
a. Climate Zones of the United States

9) Reading Log
a. Choose a book and read every day. Log your ideas.

INTERNET HUNT: Research your state. Find these things and take notes:

1) The state flag
2) The state flower
3) The state bird
4) The state tree
5) The state song
6) The year it became a state
7) The climate
8) Natural resources
9) The three largest cities

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger...

Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger,

I am Darren, a fifth grader from Sutro Elementary School. I heard you're cutting budget funds from our education. I think it's horrible that you're doing that.

If you keep on cutting budget funds from our education, our future won't look so good. Thanks to you, our future won't be as successful than we thought. Rooms will have to hold even more children. We don't need that.

Teachers will start losing their jobs and the children, like me, will lose our education. Education is where we start. Without education, you would have never been a governor. You're probably setting a bad example for future governors.

Sooner or later, teachers will lose their jobs and kids, like me, will be lose their education. Education is everything to us because education gives us a good future. But that won't happen, because of you.


5th Grade
Sutro Elementary School

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger...

Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger,

I am a fifth grade student that is concerned with our state funds. It has been predicted that my education funds will be cut. I am very concerned about that cut. They will triple the amount of students. Jobs will be cut.

My education is important to me because I need to have a good profession. A good education will help me get a great scholarship. Also, I will be able to go to college. That college will help me get an excellent job. If I wanted to, I could run for President.

If there is an increased amount of students, some of us will have a hard time passing tests. All of the teachers will lose their jobs and we will not get an excellent education. That education is going to be needed in the future. The future will have things that need higher education skills.

So this cut isn't really going to help us. We are the key to the future. So please stop the budget cuts.

Signed, a concerned student,

5th Grade
Sutro Elementary School